Saturday, July 7, 2018

One Monthly Goal - July 2018

Hard to believe we're halfway through the year! I've been participating in One Monthly Goal since January of  2018 and I have meet my goal every month but one, which just happened to be the month I set a stretch goal and got a new puppy! Anyway, it's nice to sit back and reflect on these accomplishments. Even when I set simple goals, I really appreciate the process of setting the goal and checking back in to see if I met it. 

Okay, idea for a quilt I figured why not do it again? 

So my July Goal: Complete blocks 1-25 from the Tula City Sampler book. This is exactly how many I need between now and the end of the month so no stretch goal here!

I am using all solids and only a few so it won't be that exciting. But I'm thinking about the final quilt more than each block. 

You can follow my progress on Instagram @carriebeecreates. Wish me luck!

Linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal July on to July. This year I have decided to join in the third round of #100days100blocks hosted by GnomeAngel. I had so much fun doing this the first two times and since I had an

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